The Telangana State Public Service Commission released the TSPSC Group 1 Result 2023 or TSPSC Group Preliminary test results with 25,050 candidates provisionally qualifying for the Main written examination (conventional type) which will be conducted in the month of June 2023.
The list of hall ticket numbers of candidates qualified on the basis of preliminary examination is available on the website Candidates who appeared for the Group A preliminary exam can check the details and download the result from the web portal.
TSPSC said in a press release that the pattern of the main examination will be displayed on the website of the Commission on January 18. TSPSC has notified 503 vacancies under Group-1 Services and conducted the preliminary exam on 16th October.
Name of the result | TSPSC Group 1 Result 2023 |
Title | Check the TSPSC Group 1 Prelims Result 2023 |
Subject | The Commission released TSPSC Group 1 Preliminary Exam Result 2023 |
Category | Result |
Website | |
Result PDF | Download TSPSC Group 1 Prelims Result PDF from here |
The number of candidates for the main examination increased to 50 times the number of vacancies in each multi-level, stating that there is no minimum qualifying marks prescribed for any category, following the rule of reservation for community, gender, EWS, PH given. region. And the games were introduced for the first time in the state, the commission said.
TSPSC stated that the ratio of 1:50 in Multi-Zone II for Visually Impaired (Female) and Multi-Zone II (General) for Deaf could not be met due to paucity of candidates in those categories.
If two or more candidates obtain equal marks in the examination, the order of merit of such candidates will be considered on the basis of their Telangana locality.
TSPSC said, “If the marks and local status of two or more candidates are the same, then the date of birth of the candidates will be taken for ranking, i.e. the senior candidate will be ranked higher.” In the interim order of the court, the commission had followed women’s reservation across the board.
The commission said that the OMR sheets of candidates who wrongly bubble the hall ticket numbers or fail to bubble the hall ticket numbers as per the instructions mentioned in the notification and the test booklet numbers on the OMR sheet will not be valid for the main examination.
In case of any grievance, candidates can contact on help desk numbers: 040-22445566, 040-23542185 or 040-23542187 between 10.30 AM to 1 PM and 1.30 PM to 5 PM. Candidates can email at
TSPSC Group I Service Result, TSPSC Group I Certificate Verification Schedule. It is notified that the orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal Nos. 9140-9141 of 2013 and CONMT.PET (INo.1/2016 dated 07/10/2013 and 20/01/2014 c) D 26349/2015 Cano. 9140/2013, dated 29.06.2016.
NOTIFICATION NO. ON GROUP I SERVICES RECRUITMENT ON THE BASIS OF MAIN (WRITTEN) EXAMINATION HELD FROM 14/09/2016 IN THE UNION TERRITORIES. 15/2011 (Limited) & 18/2011 (General Recruitment) issued upto 24/09/2016. Hyderabad’s F.N.
Candidates having the following Register numbers are provisionally allowed for verification of certificates and after verification of credentials in original, provisional list of candidates eligible for Interview (Viva Voce) will be declared in terms and conditions of above Notifications respectively .
It is hereby informed that the provisional select list of candidates published on 28.10.2017 for recruitment to the posts covered under Group-I Services (General) Recruitment Notification No. 18/2011 stands withdrawn and stands cancelled. She goes. Commission for technical reasons.
Revised List of Registered Number of Candidates Provisionally Selected for Appointment to the Posts under Group-I Services vide Notification No. 18/2011 Notification Dated 15/11,
On the basis of the Conventional Type (Mains) Examination held from 14/09/2016 to 24/09/2016 and Personality Assessment Test (Interview) held from 24/07/2017 to 10/08/2017 on the Commission’s website www. and will be displayed on the notice board of the Commission. The appointment orders will be issued by the concerned appointing authorities.
GROUP-I SERVICES RECRUITMENT RESULT : TSPSC NOTIFICATION NO. 18/2011 (General): For notification of provisional select list of candidates published on 28/10/2017 for recruitment to the posts falling under Group-I Services (Group-I). General) Notification No. 18/2011 Recruitment was withdrawn and the Commission was deemed to have been abolished on technical grounds.
Revised Select List has been prepared on the basis of Main (Written) Examination held from 14/09/2016 to 24/09/2016 and Oral Examination (Interview) held from 24/07/2017 to 10/08/2017. The candidates bearing the registration numbers given below have been provisionally selected for appointment to the posts covered under Notification No. 18/2011 (General) and 15/2011 (Limited) Group-I Services (General) Recruitment subject to the following conditions are subject to.
- Success in the examination shall confer no right to appointment unless the appointing authority is satisfied after inquiry that the candidate having regard to his character and antecedents is considered fit in all respects for appointment to the service.
- Candidates found physically fit for the post
- Candidates should produce other original certificates as required by the appointing authority as per rule/notification.
- Selection of Posts of WP No. 2017. 24311 Subject to outcome, decision is pending before the Hon’ble Courts. Any change in this option will be done later on execution of court orders.
Note: Reservation to BC-E group will be subject to the adjudication of the litigation pending before the Honourable Courts of Law.
- PC.NO. 01 – DEPUTY COLLECTOR: 2011210238 2011211037 2011211543
- PC.NO.03 – DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE (CIVIL): 2011210906 2011211495
- PC.NO. 04 – DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE (JAILS): 2011210720 2011211997
- PC.NO. 05 – DIVISIONAL FIRE OFFICER: 2011210307 2011210826 2011211734 2011211936; 2011210363 2011211039 2011211802 2011223263
- PC.NO. 07 – DISTRICT TRIBAL WELFARE OFFICER: 2011210930 2011211604
- PC.NO. 08 – DISTRICT EMPLOYMENT OFFICER: 2011210106 2011211147 2011211979 2011212149 2011222867; 2011210655 2011211468 2011212006 2011212174; 2011210813 2011211970 2011212115 2011212240
- PC.NO. 09 – A.T.O. / A.A.O. IN TREASURIES AND ACCOUNTS: 2011210507 2011211304 2011212040 2011212203
- PC.NO. 10 – DEPUTY REGISTRAR INTS.COOP. SERVICE: 2011210869 2011210980
- PC.NO. 11 – DISTRICT PANCHAYAT OFFICER: 2011210261 2011210932 2011211091 2011211733; 2011210457 2011210995 2011211567
- PC.NO. 12 – REGIONAL TRANSPORT OFFICER: 2011210287 2011210349 2011210981
- PC.NO. 13 – DISTRICT SOCIAL WELFARE OFFICER:2011210409 2011211494
- PC.NO. 15 – MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONER GRADE-II: 2011210708 2011210829 2011211366
- PC.NO. 16 – MANDAL PARISHAD DEVELOPMENT OFFICER: 2011210096, 2011210119, 2011210283, 2011210428, 2011210557, 2011210578, 2011210641, 2011210728
- PC.NO. 17 – LAY SECRETARY / ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: 2011211028 2011212234
- PC.NO. 19 – ASSISTANT AUDIT OFFICER – ZONE – 5: 2011210120 2011210670 2011210697 2011211076 2011211162 2011212236
- PC.NO. 19 – ASSISTANT AUDIT OFFICER – ZONE – 6: 2011210073 2011210469 2011210977 2011211540 2011211901; 2011210109 2011210877 2011211064 2011211715 2011212085; 2011210406 2011210898 2011211535 2011211846. ((Total Number of Candidates: 121))
Note: 121 vacancies have been filled out of 127 vacancies in the Group-I Services, Notification Nos.18/2011 (General). 2 – (VH ) and 4-(HH) vacancies are kept vacant due to the nonavailability of eligible candidates.
GROUP – I SERVICES, NOTIFICATION NO. 15/2011 (LIMITED RECRUITMENT) – ASSISTANT AUDIT OFFICER – ZONE – 5 -2011222557 ((Total Number of Candidates: 1)) – Place: Hyderabad Sd/- Date: 11/11/2017
If it subsequently comes to the notice of the Commission that a candidate has given wrong information or that the selection has not been done properly due to mistake or commission of any candidate, his/her provisional selection is liable to be canceled at any stage and he/she shall be deprived of all consequential benefits including selection, Further, the Commission reserves the right to take any action deemed fit in the circumstances of the case under various provisions. Notified vide Notification No. 18/2011 & 15/2011
Comment: Reservation for BC-E category is applicable for adjudication of cases pending before the Hon’ble Courts.
Note: Out of 127 vacancies in Group-I Services, 121 vacancies have been filled vide Notification No. 18/2011 (General). 2-(VH) & 4-(HH) vacancies are kept vacant due to non-availability of eligible candidates.
GROUP – I SERVICES, NOTIFICATION NO. 15/2011 (Limited Recruitment) – ASSISTANT AUDIT OFFICER – ZONE – 5 -2011222557 ((TOTAL NO. OF CANDIDATES: 1)) – PLACE: HYDERABAD Sd./- Date: 11/11/2017
WEB-CHOICES OF CANDIDATES APPEARING FOR INTERVIEW, GROUP-I SERVICE NOTIFICATION NO. 18/2011 & 15/2011 // MARK LIST OF THE CANDIDATES APPEARED FOR INTERVIEW, GROUP-I SERVICES NOTIFICATION NO. 18/2011 & 15/2011 // Revised Result Notification, Group-I Services Notification no. 18/2011 (General Recruitment) & 15/2011 (Limited) // Web Note GROUP-I SERVICE NOTIFICATION NO. 18/2011 (General Recruitment) & 15/2011 (Limited)
List of Provisionally Admitted Candidates for Verification of Certificates for Group I Services Recruitment vide Notification No. 18/2011 (General Recruitment) Published on 01/06/2017
Candidates having the following register numbers are admitted provisionally subject to verification of certificates and after verification of credentials in original, provisional list of eligible candidates for interview (oral test) will be declared respectively as per terms and conditions of above notification Will go
- The verification of certificates is scheduled on 12/07/2017 at 10.30 AM in the office of the Commission. Candidates are advised to visit the Commission’s website for memo and other details.
- Verification of certificates is scheduled on 15/06/2017 & 16/06/2017 at 9.00 AM at Indira Priyadarshini Govt. Women’s Degree College, Beside Intermediate Board, Nampally, Hyderabad.
- Candidates called for verification of certificates will have to submit the certificates as mentioned in the memo available on the website of the Commission.
- If the candidate fails to submit the certificate against the particulars given in the PDF (Application Form) / Certificate, the candidature will be canceled at any stage of the selection process. The Commission reserves the right to disqualify any candidate if he/she is not eligible for any reason whatsoever.
- Candidates are advised to check the Commission’s website for the schedule of verification of certificates and memos from June onwards.
- Candidates for the posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Class-2), Deputy Jail Superintendent (Male), Divisional Fire Officer (Male), Assistant Prohibition and Excise Superintendent (PCNO.03, 04, 05 & 18) Saksham Medical Board, Hyderabad Medical Will have to undergo examination and all PWD candidates will have to undergo medical examination in the concerned Medical Board.
- Verification of certificates does not confer any right for admission interview/final selection.
Group 1 Service Certificate Verification is done in Indira Priyadarshini Govt. Women’s Degree College, Beside Intermediate Board, Nampally, Hyderabad. The details of the documents required for verification can be found from the memo available at Candidates must make sure to carry all the documents mentioned in the application form.View more details from here
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